History of the Parish

St Catherine's, Burbage

Dedicated to St. Catherine of Alexandria, the church building spans many centuries. The tower dates from the middle ages, but the majority of the church building was rebuilt during the 19th Century. Parts of the foundations are believed to date back to the Saxons. The church is entered through the great south door with wonderful carvings and dating back to the 17th Century. The font, on your right as you enter the church is believed to be well over 400 years old and carries the arms of the Hastings family among others. The aumbry for reservation of the Blessed Sacrament is also on your right as well as a chair and prayer desk where the sacrament of reconciliation is practised.   
In recent years an extension to the church has been built, the interior of the church has been  re-ordered with moveable furniture and environmentally friendly ground source heating has been  installed, resulting in lower energy costs.  The church is now a multi-functional building and the  extension is licensed and can be hired. 


St Peter's, Aston Flamville 
Originally the ‘Mother Church’ of the Parish, The Church of St Peter has stood in the village since the eleventh century, although there is some evidence that there was a Saxon Church here in the seventh century. The existing  church still features a Norman window on the north side of the nave and a stone Anglo-Saxon cross or tomb covering has been inserted into the wall at the rear of the church.  The chancel of the church is unusual in that it is a sunken chancel. 
Major rebuilds of the church were undertaken in 1855, 1873 and 1897. 
The churchyard is still open; amongst the graves is that of Father Matthew (Thomas) Norton a  Dominican priest whose mission was based in Aston Flamville circa 1776. 
Whilst attendance at regular worship is low, support at special Christmas services is much higher, and the regular Christmas Fair is a popular community event. With a capacity of around 110 people the Church, with its rural setting is popular for weddings and christenings


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